High Performance Teams
Please download graphical tools based on our book Innovate Products Faster.
These product development templates are based on real life examples, and have been tested in the field with clients on multiple engagements. We often are stuck when first getting started working on a complex issue, because we don’t know how to take the first step. These graphical tools (graphs, charts, tables, and forms) are ready to go and can be modified for your needs.
Project Escalation Map
Clarifies the boundaries and channels of decision making throughout an organization. Empowers teams, and minimizes the time and attention required by senior managers at the project level.
Cross Functional Team Model
Identifies a team’s leadership, its critical functions, and the individuals who will fulfill these functions. Provides, by name, the functional resources assigned to a project.
Function Phase Matrix
Helps a cross-functional project team to identify project objectives, roles & responsibilities, and key deliverables across the phases of a project. Identifies dependencies between team members and deliverables.
Change Impact Matrix
A descriptive template that helps project teams prepare for the future and serves as a discussion guide for planning risk-mitigation activities.
Out-of-Bounds Check
Realigns teams after a project has gone out of scope. Provides the team with a mechanism to conduct a root cause analysis, evaluate alternatives, and recommend a remedy to decision makers.
Boundary Conditions Diagram
Identifies the critical elements of a project and defines the conditions which must exist for a team to ship a product to market. Enables a team to plan and execute with minimal management intervention.
Attitude Influence Diagram
Helps identify and manage the key individuals who might impede your success by determining your project’s supporters and detractors. Provides a visual map to clarify the political landscape around your team.
Task Burn Down Chart
Shows the team and management how much progress they are making on a project. An improvement on Gantt Charts in that it focuses on customers, and provides a more accurate estimate of the work performed on a project in-progress.
Team PERT Chart
Breaks projects down into tasks, shows the dependencies of one work stream on another, and provides real estimates, created by the people who actually perform the tasks.
Circle Dot Chart
Download Team Pert Chart Tool Online. This tool will help you to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project.
Project Efficiency Chart
Estimates the amount of time a project team has available to create useful work output, based on the number of projects per person. Provides a visual map of resource overload and exposes overburdened functions.